Group trip for foreign students in Germany (Studienreisen)


DAAD support group practices in NGF foreign students under the guidance of university professors.

Targets support:

To foster the advancement of knowledge in the specialty through visits, tours and informative conversations;

Meetings with German students and academic leaders to establish and maintain contact between German and foreign universities;

Familiarization with the economic, political and cultural life in Germany. This part should not exceed one third of the entire period financing.

Cultural events (concerts) can be maintained in the event that their character is closely associated with specialty or is related to higher education institutions.

Annual support for a seeker of the department or institution of this program is not possible, one searcher faculty or institution submit only one application per year.


The program should last at least 7 days. Maximum duration of the scholarship is 12 days (including arrival and departure days) although the journey may take longer.

Amount of the scholarship:

DAAD provides health insurance, accident insurance and of accidental damage someone else's property for the entire group. There is more information in the confirmation of a scholarship

DAAD does not cover travel costs outside Germany.

A journey of self organizovuetsya and committed group, or university teacher who is applying for a scholarship. Groups from remote regions of Ukraine in agreement with the DAAD may in some cases apply for a group trip.

DAAD each participant pays 50 euros per day.

Requirements seekers:

Can ride a group of students enrolled in a university in the same department as regular students starting from the second semester, under the guidance of a university teacher, to visit several universities (at least two) in Germany. University studies can not end with immediately after the trip. Group trip can serve as securing new contacts and the establishment of partnerships and. Apply for a scholarship can only Ukrainian university.


Applications for Studienreisen served only online in the following periods:

to 01.11. for trips that nachinayutsya from 01.03. (Decision adopted by the DAAD in mid-January);

to 01.02. for trips that nachinayutsya 01.06. (Decision adopted by the DAAD in the middle of April);

to 01.05. for trips that nachinayutsya from 01.09. (Decision adopted by the DAAD in the middle of July).

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Head: Kosolapov A., Developer: Lomazhuk O.